Multiple Artists /
Erato /

CD : Erato : Faure - Complete Chamber String Works�Erato : Faure - Complete Chamber String Works

Label : Erato

Product :
0 70875 2

Year : 2011

Disc Count : 5

Price Offer : N/A

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Fauré, Gabriel

Violin Sonata No. 1 in A Major, Op. 13
-Michel Dalberto
- performed with Renaud Capuçon

Piano Quartet No. 1 in C Minor, Op. 15
-Michel Dalberto
- performed with Renaud Capuçon and Gautier Capuçon

Berceuse, Op. 16
-Michel Dalberto
- performed with Renaud Capuçon

Élégie in C Minor, Op. 24
-Michel Dalberto
- performed with Gautier Capuçon

Romance in B-Flat Major, Op. 28
-Michel Dalberto
- performed with Renaud Capuçon

Piano Quartet No. 2 in G Minor, Op. 45
-Nicholas Angelich
- performed with Renaud Capuçon and Gautier Capuçon

Romance in A Major, Op. 69
-Michel Dalberto
- performed with Gautier Capuçon

Andante, Op. 75
-Michel Dalberto
- performed with Renaud Capuçon

Papillon, Op. 77
-Michel Dalberto
- performed with Gautier Capuçon

Sicilienne, Op. 78
-Michel Dalberto
- performed with Gautier Capuçon

Piano Quintet in D Minor, Op. 89
-Michel Dalberto
- performed with Quatuor Ébène

Sérénade, Op. 98
-Michel Dalberto
- performed with Gautier Capuçon

Violin Sonata No. 2 in E Minor, Op. 108
-Michel Dalberto
- performed with Renaud Capuçon

Cello Sonata No. 1 in D Minor, Op. 109
-Michel Dalberto
- performed with Gautier Capuçon

Piano Quintet No. 2 in C Minor, Op. 115
-Michel Dalberto
- performed with Quatuor Ébène

Cello Sonata No. 2 in G Minor, Op. 117
-Nicholas Angelich
- performed with Gautier Capuçon

Piano Trio in D Minor, Op. 120
-Nicholas Angelich
- performed with Renaud Capuçon and Gautier Capuçon

Morceau de lecture
-Michel Dalberto
- performed with Renaud Capuçon

Purchases Offers :
Erato : Faure - Complete Chamber String Works

Recording Details :
- July 4, 2010 in Ferme de Villefavard en Limousin, Fondation Singer-Polignac (Angelich)
- July 5, 2010 in Ferme de Villefavard en Limousin, Fondation Singer-Polignac (Angelich)
- July 5 - 6, 2010 in Ferme de Villefavard en Limousin, Fondation Singer-Polignac (Angelich)
- July 9, 2010 in Ferme de Villefavard en Limousin, Fondation Singer-Polignac (Dalberto)
- July 10, 2010 in Ferme de Villefavard en Limousin, Fondation Singer-Polignac (Dalberto)
- July 11 - 12, 2010 in Ferme de Villefavard en Limousin, Fondation Singer-Polignac (Dalberto)
- July 12, 2010 in Ferme de Villefavard en Limousin, Fondation Singer-Polignac (Dalberto)
- September 27 - 29, 2010 in Ferme de Villefavard en Limousin, Fondation Singer-Polignac (Dalberto)
- October 9 - 10, 2010 in Ferme de Villefavard en Limousin, Fondation Singer-Polignac (Dalberto)