Jörg Demus /
Johannes Brahms /

Jörg Demus/Johannes Brahms - Discography
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Deutche Grammophon : Brahms - The Complete Chamber Works
CD : Deutche Grammophon : Brahms - The Complete Chamber WorksDeutche Grammophon : Brahms - The Complete Chamber Works

Artist : Jörg Demus

Series : Deutsche Grammophon

Product Id : 449 611-2

Year : 2013

Number of Discs : 11

Deutche Grammophon : Brahms - The Complete Works
CD : Deutche Grammophon : Brahms - The Complete WorksDeutche Grammophon : Brahms - The Complete Works

Artist : Jörg Demus

Series : Deutsche Grammophon

Product Id : 477 8183

Year : 2013

Number of Discs : 46