Carlo Zecchi /
Piano Sonata in D Major, K. 96, L. 465 'La caccia' /

Carlo Zecchi/Piano Sonata in D Major, K. 96, L. 465 'La caccia' - Discography
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�Apr : Zecchi - The Cetra & 78s Recordings
CD : Apr : Zecchi - The Cetra & 78s Recordings

Artist : Carlo Zecchi

Label : Appian

Product Id : APR 6024

Year : 2018

Number of Discs : 2

�Pearl : Michelangeli, Zecchi - Early Recordings
CD : Pearl : Michelangeli, Zecchi - Early Recordings

Artist : Carlo Zecchi

Label : Pearl

Product Id : CDS 9086

Year : 1999

Number of Discs : 2