Seta Tanyel /
Le Bal masqué capriccio for Two Pianos, FP 60 /

Seta Tanyel/Le Bal masqué capriccio for Two Pianos, FP 60 - Discography
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�Chandos : Tanyel, Brown  - Poulenc Works for Two Pianos
LP : Chandos : Tanyel, Brown - Poulenc Works for Two Pianos

Artist : Seta Tanyel

Label : Chandos

Product Id : ABRD 1229

Year : 1987

Number of Discs : 1

�Chandos : Tanyel, Brown  - Poulenc Works for Two Pianos
CD : Chandos : Tanyel, Brown - Poulenc Works for Two Pianos

Artist : Seta Tanyel

Label : Chandos

Product Id : CHAN 8519

Year : 1987

Number of Discs : 1