Nicolas Economou /
Papillions, Op. 2 /

Nicolas Economou/Papillions, Op. 2 - Discography
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�Suoni e Colori : Economou - Schumann, Liszt
CD : Suoni e Colori : Economou - Schumann, Liszt

Artist : Nicolas Economou

Label : Suoni e Colori

Product Id : SC 53011

Year : 1998

Number of Discs : 1

�Suoni e Colori : Economou - Schumann, Liszt
CD : Suoni e Colori : Economou - Schumann, Liszt

Artist : Nicolas Economou

Label : Suoni e Colori

Product Id : SC 253112

Year : 2001

Number of Discs : 1

Loft Music : Economou - Schumann Works
DVD : Loft Music : Economou - Schumann Works

Artist : Nicolas Economou

Label : Loft Music

Product Id : 0013023151390

Year : 2001

Number of Discs : 1

�Loft Music : Economou - Liszt, Schumann, Mozart
Digital : Loft Music : Economou - Liszt, Schumann, Mozart

Artist : Nicolas Economou

Label : Loft Music

Product Id : LOFT 1983 07

Year : 1983

Number of Discs : 1