Julius Katchen /
Caprice No. 2 in E Minor, Op. 16 /

Julius Katchen/Caprice No. 2 in E Minor, Op. 16 - Discography
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�Decca Original Masters : Katchen - 1949 - 1968 Recordings
CD : Decca Original Masters : Katchen - 1949 - 1968 Recordings

Artist : Julius Katchen

Label : Decca

Product Id : 475 7221

Year : 2014

Number of Discs : 8

�Decca : Katchen - The Complete Decca Recordings
CD : Decca : Katchen - The Complete Decca Recordings

Artist : Julius Katchen

Label : Decca

Product Id : 483 0356

Year : 2016

Number of Discs : 36

�London : Katchen - Mendelssohn, Liszt
LP : London : Katchen - Mendelssohn, Liszt

Artist : Julius Katchen

Label : London

Product Id : LL 824

Year : 1978

Number of Discs : 1