Julius Katchen /
Everest /

�Everest : Katchen - Dohnanyi, Rachmaninov
LP : Everest : Katchen - Dohnanyi, Rachmaninov�Everest : Katchen - Dohnanyi, Rachmaninov

Label : Everest

Product Id : 3280

Year : 1974

Disc Count : 1

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Dohnányi, Ernő

Variations on a Nursery Tune for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 25
- Sir Adrian Boult conducting London Philharmonic

Rachmaninov, Sergei

Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini for Piano and Orchestra in A Minor, Op. 43
- Sir Adrian Boult conducting London Philharmonic

Recording Details :
- January 12, 1959 in London, Kingsway Hall
- May 1, 1959 in London, Kingsway Hall