Umberto Bertetti

Umberto Bertetti/Ferruccio Busoni - Works

Umberto Bertetti

1 media for this composer
1 labels for this composers
6 works for this composer
1 recordings for this composer

Umberto Bertetti was born in Mantua, Italy. He and his brother studied at the Chigiana Academy. Together they have performed duets in festivals internationally to much acclaim as the Bertetti duo. There recordings include works by Boulez, Busoni and Ravel.

Umberto Bertetti - Ferruccio Busoni Discography

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Duettino concertante nach Mozart for Two Pianos in F Major, BV B 88
- performed with Camillo Bertetti

(2) Finnländische Volksweisen, BV B 227
- performed with Camillo Bertetti
Finnländische Volksweisen No. 1, BV B 227
- performed with Camillo Bertetti
Finnländische Volksweisen No. 2, BV B 227
- performed with Camillo Bertetti

Fantasia contrappuntistica for Two Pianos, BV 256b
- performed with Camillo Bertetti

Improvisation über das Bachsche Chorallied Wie wohl ist mir, o Freund der Seele for Two Pianos, BV B 271
- performed with Camillo Bertetti