Alexander Brailowsky - Pianist Discography
Alexander Brailowsky

Alexander Brailowsky

11 media for this artist
6 Labels for this artist
3 composers for this artist
4 recording dates for this artist
4 works in repetoire for this artist

Alexander Brailowsky ( 1896 - 1976 ) was born in Kiev, Ukraine. He studied at the Kiev conservatory and subsequently with acclaimed pianists Leschetizky, Busoni, and Plante. He is known for recording a large majority of Chopin's works. He also recorded works by Liszt, Schumann and Rachmaninov.

Alexander Brailowsky - Discography - Under Development

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Chopin, Frédéric

Liszt, Franz

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus


Essential Media Group

Guild Historical



United Nations

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