Arnold Schoenberg

\ Phantasy for Violin and Piano, Op. 47 /

Arnold Schoenberg/Phantasy for Violin and Piano, Op. 47 - Discography
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July 10, 1964 - Gould, Glenn - New York City - CBS 30th Street Studios
- performed with Israel Baker
-( 1 LP ) CBS Japan 25AC 2013
-( 4 CD ) Sony 88725413642
-( 2 CD ) Sony SM2K 52664
-(80 CD) Sony 88697147502
-(81 CD) Sony 88875032222

October 25 - 26, 1965 - Gould, Glenn - Toronto - CBC Studios
- performed with Yehudi Menuhin
-( 1 CD ) Sony SMK 52688

May 18, 1966 - Gould, Glenn - Toronto
- performed with Yehudi Menuhin
-( 1 CD ) Music & Arts CD-298
-( 1 CD ) Nuova Era 2206
-( 1 CD ) Sony SMK 87856