Igor Kefalidi

\ Quartet for Alto Flute, Trombone and Celesta for Four Hands /

Igor Kefalidi/Quartet for Alto Flute, Trombone and Celesta for Four Hands - Discography
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1977 - Postnikova, Viktoria - Moscow
- performed with Nikolai Mironov and Gennady Rozhdestvensky
-( 1 LP ) Melodiya 33 C10-09715-16
-( 1 LP ) Melodiya 33 C10-09715-16 A

1977 - Rozhdestvensky, Gennady - Moscow
- performed with Nikolai Mironov and Viktoria Postnikova
-( 1 LP ) Melodiya 33 C10-09715-16
-( 1 LP ) Melodiya 33 C10-09715-16 A