Anton Rubinstein/
Piano Sonata No. 1 in E Minor, Op. 12 /

Anton Rubinstein/Piano Sonata No. 1 in E Minor, Op. 12 - Discography
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Hyperion : Howard - Rubinstein Piano Sonatas
CD : Hyperion : Howard - Rubinstein Piano Sonatas

Artist : Leslie Howard

Label : Hyperion

Year/Product Id : 1996/CDD22007

Number of Discs : 1

Hyperion : Howard - Rubinstein Piano Sonatas 1 & 3
LP : Hyperion : Howard - Rubinstein Piano Sonatas 1 & 3

Artist : Leslie Howard

Label : Hyperion

Year/Product Id : 1981/A66017

Number of Discs : 1

Hyperion : Howard - Rubinstein Piano Sonatas 1 & 3
CD : Hyperion : Howard - Rubinstein Piano Sonatas 1 & 3

Artist : Leslie Howard

Label : Hyperion

Year/Product Id : 1990/CDA66017

Number of Discs : 1