Arno Babajanian/
Armenian Rhapsody for Two Pianos /

Arno Babajanian/Armenian Rhapsody for Two Pianos - Discography
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Chandos : Tanyel, Brown - Shostakovich, Khachaturian
CD : Chandos : Tanyel, Brown - Shostakovich, Khachaturian

Artist : Seta Tanyel

Label : Chandos

Year/Product Id : 1987/CHAN 8466

Number of Discs : 1

Chandos : Tanyel, Brown - Shostakovich, Khachaturian
Cassette : Chandos : Tanyel, Brown - Shostakovich, Khachaturian

Artist : Jeremy Brown

Label : Chandos

Year/Product Id : 1986/ABTD 1175

Number of Discs : 1

Chandos : Tanyel, Brown - Shostakovich, Khachaturian
LP : Chandos : Tanyel, Brown - Shostakovich, Khachaturian

Artist : Jeremy Brown

Label : Chandos

Year/Product Id : 1986/ABRD 1175

Number of Discs : 1

Chandos : Tanyel, Brown - Shostakovich, Khachaturian
Cassette : Chandos : Tanyel, Brown - Shostakovich, Khachaturian

Artist : Seta Tanyel

Label : Chandos

Year/Product Id : 1986/ABTD 1175

Number of Discs : 1

Chandos : Tanyel, Brown - Shostakovich, Khachaturian
CD : Chandos : Tanyel, Brown - Shostakovich, Khachaturian

Artist : Jeremy Brown

Label : Chandos

Year/Product Id : 1987/CHAN 8466

Number of Discs : 1

Chandos : Tanyel, Brown - Shostakovich, Khachaturian
LP : Chandos : Tanyel, Brown - Shostakovich, Khachaturian

Artist : Seta Tanyel

Label : Chandos

Year/Product Id : 1986/ABRD 1175

Number of Discs : 1

Talents of Russia : Babajanian - Piano Works
CD : Talents of Russia : Babajanian - Piano Works

Artist : Arno Babajanian

Label : Talents of Russia

Year/Product Id : 1995/RCD 16251

Number of Discs : 1