Ernest Toch/
Piano Quintet, Op. 64 /

Ernest Toch/Piano Quintet, Op. 64 - Discography
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Contemporary : Previn - Toch Piano Quintet
LP : Contemporary : Previn - Toch Piano Quintet

Artist : André Previn

Label : Contemporary Records

Year/Product Id : 1963/M 6011

Number of Discs : 1

Contemporary : Previn - Toch Piano Quintet
LP : Contemporary : Previn - Toch Piano Quintet

Artist : André Previn

Label : Contemporary Records

Year/Product Id : 1963/S 8011

Number of Discs : 1

Naxos American Classics : Blumenthal - Toch Quintet, Violin Sonata No. 2
CD : Naxos American Classics : Blumenthal - Toch Quintet, Violin Sonata No. 2

Artist : Daniel Blumenthal

Label : Naxos

Year/Product Id : 2008/8.559324

Number of Discs : 1