Abram Chasins/
Piano Playtime No. 4, 'By the Brook' /

Abram Chasins/Piano Playtime No. 4, 'By the Brook' - Discography
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�BMG Classics Kapell Edition : Bach, Debussu
CD : BMG Classics Kapell Edition : Bach, Debussu

Artist : William Kapell

Label : BMG Classics

Year/Product Id : 2005/09026-68995-2 A

Number of Discs : 1

BMG Classics Kapell Edition : Kapell - Edition
CD : BMG Classics Kapell Edition : Kapell - Edition

Artist : William Kapell

Label : BMG Classics

Year/Product Id : 2005/09026-68442-2

Number of Discs : 9

�BMG Classics Kapell Edition : Kappell - Bach, Debussy
CD : BMG Classics Kapell Edition : Kappell - Bach, Debussy

Artist : William Kapell

Label : BMG Classics

Year/Product Id : 1998/09026-68995-2

Number of Discs : 1

�Sony Classical Masters : Kapell - The RCA Victor Recordings
CD : Sony Classical Masters : Kapell - The RCA Victor Recordings

Artist : William Kapell

Label : Sony

Year/Product Id : 2016/88765431362

Number of Discs : 11