Franz Schubert/
Fantasie in C Major, D. 934 /

Franz Schubert/Fantasie in C Major, D. 934 - Discography
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�Deutsche Grammophon Japan : Pires - Prokofiev, Schubert
CD : Deutsche Grammophon Japan : Pires - Prokofiev, Schubert

Artist : Maria João Pires

Label : Deutsche Grammophon Japan

Year/Product Id : 1971/MG 2239

Number of Discs : 1

Orfeo : Kempff - Beethoven, Brahms, Schumann
CD : Orfeo : Kempff - Beethoven, Brahms, Schumann

Artist : Wilhelm Kempff

Label : Orfeo

Year/Product Id : 2007/C 721072 B

Number of Discs : 2

�Testament : Antonietti - Schubert Chamber Works
CD : Testament : Antonietti - Schubert Chamber Works

Artist : Jean Antonietti

Label : Testament

Year/Product Id : 2011/SBT2 1468

Number of Discs : 1