Ludwig van Beethoven/
Piano Trio No. 3 in C Minor, Op. 1 /

Ludwig van Beethoven/Piano Trio No. 3 in C Minor, Op. 1 - Discography
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Deutsche Grammophon : Beethoven - Piano Trios
LP : Deutsche Grammophon : Beethoven - Piano Trios

Artist : Wilhelm Kempff

Label : Deutsche Grammophon

Year/Product Id : 1970/2721 132

Number of Discs : 3

Deutsche Grammophon : Kempff - Beethoven Piano Trios
CD : Deutsche Grammophon : Kempff - Beethoven Piano Trios

Artist : Wilhelm Kempff

Label : Deutsche Grammophon

Year/Product Id : 1990/415 879-2

Number of Discs : 3

�Deutsche Grammophon Japan : Gulda, Kempff, Anda - Beethoven
CD : Deutsche Grammophon Japan : Gulda, Kempff, Anda - Beethoven

Artist : Wilhelm Kempff

Label : Deutsche Grammophon Japan

Year/Product Id : 2006/POCG-9711/28

Number of Discs : 18

Deutsche Grammophon Japan : Kempff - Beethoven Piano Trios
CD : Deutsche Grammophon Japan : Kempff - Beethoven Piano Trios

Artist : Wilhelm Kempff

Label : Deutsche Grammophon Japan

Year/Product Id : 1990/F90G-50410/2

Number of Discs : 3

Music & Arts : The Prades Festival
CD : Music & Arts : The Prades Festival

Artist : Hephzibah Menuhin

Label : Music & Arts

Year/Product Id : 2002/CD-1113

Number of Discs : 13

Tower Records : Kempff - Beethoven Piano Trios
CD : Tower Records : Kempff - Beethoven Piano Trios

Artist : Wilhelm Kempff

Label : Tower Records

Year/Product Id : 2015/PROC-1867

Number of Discs : 4

�Trust Records : Albulescu - Brahms, Beethoven
CD : Trust Records : Albulescu - Brahms, Beethoven

Artist : Eugene Albulescu

Label : Trust Records

Year/Product Id : 1996/MMT2007

Number of Discs : 1