Mischa Levitzki/
Arabesque valsante, Op. 6 /

Mischa Levitzki/Arabesque valsante, Op. 6 - Discography
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RCA Victor : Rachmaninov, Paderewski, Kapell - Keyboard Giants of the Past
LP : RCA Victor : Rachmaninov, Paderewski, Kapell - Keyboard Giants of the Past

Artist : Mischa Levitzki

Label : RCA Victor

Year/Product Id : 1962/LM-2585

Number of Discs : 1

RCA Victor : Rachmaninov, Paderewski, Kapell - Keyboard Giants of the Past
LP : RCA Victor : Rachmaninov, Paderewski, Kapell - Keyboard Giants of the Past

Artist : Mischa Levitzki

Label : RCA Victor

Year/Product Id : 1962/LMC-79

Number of Discs : 1

RCA Victor : Rachmaninov, Paderewski, Kapell - Keyboard Giants of the Past
LP : RCA Victor : Rachmaninov, Paderewski, Kapell - Keyboard Giants of the Past

Artist : Mischa Levitzki

Label : RCA Victor

Year/Product Id : 1962/SP 33-143

Number of Discs : 1