Nikolai Myaskovsky/
Cello Sonata No. 2 in A Minor, Op. 81 /

Nikolai Myaskovsky/Cello Sonata No. 2 in A Minor, Op. 81 - Discography
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Moscow Conservatory Records : Richter - Myaskovsky, Shostakovich
CD : Moscow Conservatory Records : Richter - Myaskovsky, Shostakovich

Artist : Sviatoslav Richter

Label : Moscow Conservatory Records

Year/Product Id : 2020/SMC CD 0290

Number of Discs : 1

�Profil Medien H
CD : Profil Medien H

Artist : Sviatoslav Richter

Label : Profil

Year/Product Id : 2019/PH 19052

Number of Discs : 10

�Talents of Russia Russian Piano School : Richter - Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky, Myaskovsky
CD : Talents of Russia Russian Piano School : Richter - Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky, Myaskovsky

Artist : Sviatoslav Richter

Label : Talents of Russia

Year/Product Id : 2021/RCD16392

Number of Discs : 1