Sergei Lyapunov/
Barcarolle in G-Sharp Minor, Op. 46 /

Sergei Lyapunov/Barcarolle in G-Sharp Minor, Op. 46 - Discography
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Ars Music : Noack - Lyapunov - Piano Works Volume 02
SACD : Ars Music : Noack - Lyapunov - Piano Works Volume 02

Artist : Florian Noack

Label : Ars

Year/Product Id : 2016/ARS 38 209

Number of Discs : 1

�Divine Art : Goldstone - Lyapunov Piano Works
CD : Divine Art : Goldstone - Lyapunov Piano Works

Artist : Anthony Goldstone

Label : Divine Art

Year/Product Id : 2010/DDA25084

Number of Discs : 1