Friedrich Gulda/
Seelige Sehnsucht /

Friedrich Gulda/Seelige Sehnsucht - Discography
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MPS Records : Gulda - The Long Road to Freedom
LP : MPS Records : Gulda - The Long Road to Freedom

Artist : Friedrich Gulda

Label : MPS Records

Year/Product Id : 1971/33 20872-9

Number of Discs : 2

MPS Records : Gulda - The Long Road to Freedom
LP : MPS Records : Gulda - The Long Road to Freedom

Artist : Friedrich Gulda

Label : MPS Records

Year/Product Id : 1972/PSS-250-1-MP

Number of Discs : 2

MPS Records : Gulda - The Long Road to Freedom
LP : MPS Records : Gulda - The Long Road to Freedom

Artist : Friedrich Gulda

Label : MPS Records

Year/Product Id : 1972/CVC 872

Number of Discs : 2

MPS Records : Gulda - The Long Road to Freedom
LP : MPS Records : Gulda - The Long Road to Freedom

Artist : Friedrich Gulda

Label : MPS Records

Year/Product Id : 1971/88.021-2

Number of Discs : 2

MPS Records : Gulda - The Long Road to Freedom
LP : MPS Records : Gulda - The Long Road to Freedom

Artist : Friedrich Gulda

Label : MPS Japan

Year/Product Id : 1972/ULS-1724/5-P

Number of Discs : 2

MPS Records Japan : Gulda - The Long Road to Freedom
LP : MPS Records Japan : Gulda - The Long Road to Freedom

Artist : Friedrich Gulda

Label : MPS Japan

Year/Product Id : 1972/PSS-250/1

Number of Discs : 2