Alexander Borodin/
Scherzo in A-Flat Major /

Alexander Borodin/Scherzo in A-Flat Major - Discography
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CBS : Akl - Borodin, Rachmaninov
LP : CBS : Akl - Borodin, Rachmaninov

Artist : Walid Akl

Label : Welp Disques

Year/Product Id : 1977/73655

Number of Discs : 1

Great Pianists of the 20th Century : Ashkenazy - Volume 07
CD : Great Pianists of the 20th Century : Ashkenazy - Volume 07

Artist : Vladimir Ashkenazy

Label : Philips

Year/Product Id : 1999/456 715-2

Number of Discs : 2

�Profil Medien H
CD : Profil Medien H

Artist : Emil Gilels

Label : Profil

Year/Product Id : 2020/PH17066

Number of Discs : 15