Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart/
Piano Trio in E-Flat Major, K. 498 "Kegelstatt" /

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart/Piano Trio in E-Flat Major, K. 498 "Kegelstatt" - Discography
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�Sony Classical : Perahia - The First 40 Years
CD : Sony Classical : Perahia - The First 40 Years

Artist : Murray Perahia

Label : Sony

Year/Product Id : 2012/88691912562

Number of Discs : 73

Vox : Brendel, Ludwig - Mozart Quintet, Trio
LP : Vox : Brendel, Ludwig - Mozart Quintet, Trio

Artist : Günther Ludwig

Label : Vox

Year/Product Id : 1965/SVBX 548

Number of Discs : 3