Idil Biret /
Schumann /
Introduction & Allegro Concertante in D Minor, Op. 134

Idil Biret - Schumann - Introduction & Allegro Concertante in D Minor, Op. 134 - Discography
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August 29 - 31, 1996 in Katowice
- Antoni Wit conducting National Symphony Orchestra of the Polish Radio
- (13 CD) Idil Biret Archive 8.501302 - 00:14:53
- ( 8 CD ) Idil Biret Archive 8.508016 - 00:14:53
- (131 CD) Idil Biret Archive 8501303 - 00:14:53
- (131 CD) Idil Biret Archive 8501303 - 00:14:53
- ( 1 CD ) Naxos 8.554088 - 00:14:53