István Hajdu /
Schön Rosmarin /

István Hajdu/Schön Rosmarin - Discography
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Deutsche Grammophon Panorama : Argerich, Ashkenazy - Virtuoso Violin
CD : Deutsche Grammophon Panorama : Argerich, Ashkenazy - Virtuoso Violin

Artist : István Hajdu

Label : Deutsche Grammophon

Product Id : 469 235-2

Year : 2000

Number of Discs : 1

�Aquarius : Argerich, Castagnone - Virtuoso Violin
CD : Aquarius : Argerich, Castagnone - Virtuoso Violin

Artist : István Hajdu

Label : Aquarius

Product Id : AQVE 082-2

Year : 1999

Number of Discs : 1