Friedrich Gulda /
General Dance /

Friedrich Gulda/General Dance - Discography
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Sony Classical : Gulda - Mozart, Gulda, Dennerlein
CD : Sony Classical : Gulda - Mozart, Gulda, Dennerlein

Artist : Friedrich Gulda

Label : Sony

Product Id : SX2K 48082

Year : 1991

Number of Discs : 2

�Sony Classical : Gulda - Non-Stop
Laser Disc : Sony Classical : Gulda - Non-Stop

Artist : Friedrich Gulda

Label : Sony

Product Id : SRLM 966

Year : 1991

Number of Discs : 1

�Sony Classical : Gulda - Mozart and the Paradise Band
Laser Disc : Sony Classical : Gulda - Mozart and the Paradise Band

Artist : Friedrich Gulda

Label : Sony

Product Id : SLV 46396

Year : 1991

Number of Discs : 1

�Sony Classical : Gulda - Mozart and the Paradise Band
VHS : Sony Classical : Gulda - Mozart and the Paradise Band

Artist : Friedrich Gulda

Label : Sony

Product Id : SHV 46396

Year : 1991

Number of Discs : 1