Nelson Freire /
Carnival of Animals for Two Pianos and Ensemble (excerpt) /

Nelson Freire/Carnival of Animals for Two Pianos and Ensemble (excerpt) - Discography
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Deutsche Grammophon : Argerich - The Art of Argerich
CD : Deutsche Grammophon : Argerich - The Art of Argerich

Artist : Nelson Freire

Label : Deutsche Grammophon

Product Id : 477 9523

Year : 2011

Number of Discs : 3

�Deutsche Grammophon : Argerich - Artistry of Argerich
CD : Deutsche Grammophon : Argerich - Artistry of Argerich

Artist : Nelson Freire

Label : Deutsche Grammophon

Product Id : 476 7939

Year : 2005

Number of Discs : 2

�Deutsche Grammophon : Argerich - Artistry of Argerich
CD : Deutsche Grammophon : Argerich - Artistry of Argerich

Artist : Nelson Freire

Label : Deutsche Grammophon

Product Id : 461 858-2

Year : 2001

Number of Discs : 2