Lazar Berman /
Piano Concerto No. 3 in D Minor, Op. 30 /

Lazar Berman/Piano Concerto No. 3 in D Minor, Op. 30 - Discography
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�New York Philharmonic : Berman, Janis - Mozart, Rachmaninov
CD : New York Philharmonic : Berman, Janis - Mozart, Rachmaninov

Artist : Lazar Berman

Label : New York Philharmonic

Product Id : NYP 2004/05

Year : 2000

Number of Discs : 2

Sony Classical : Abbado - Complete RCA and Sony Collection
CD : Sony Classical : Abbado - Complete RCA and Sony Collection

Artist : Lazar Berman

Label : Sony

Product Id : 88843045052

Year : 2014

Number of Discs : 39