Walter Klien /
Fabbri Editori /

Walter Klien/Fabbri Editori - Discography
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�Fabbri Editori : Brendel, Klein - Brahms Hungarian Dances
7" : Fabbri Editori : Brendel, Klein - Brahms Hungarian Dances

Artist : Walter Klien

Label : Fabbri Editori

Product Id : SdM 084

Year : 1966

Number of Discs : 1

Fabbri Editori : Brendel, Klein - Dvorak Slavonic Dances
CD : Fabbri Editori : Brendel, Klein - Dvorak Slavonic Dances

Artist : Walter Klien

Label : Fabbri Editori

Product Id : No. 64

Year : 1994

Number of Discs : 1