Yakov Zak /
Leningrad Plant /

Yakov Zak/Leningrad Plant - Discography
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Leningrad Plant : Zak - Rachmaninov Concerto No. 4
LP : Leningrad Plant : Zak - Rachmaninov Concerto No. 4

Artist : Yakov Zak

Label : Leningrad Plant

Product Id : D-2544

Year : 1956

Number of Discs : 1

�Leningrad Plant : Zak - Rachmaninov Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini
LP : Leningrad Plant : Zak - Rachmaninov Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini

Artist : Yakov Zak

Label : Leningrad Plant

Product Id : D-797

Year : 1952

Number of Discs : 1