Lev Oborin /
Columbia /

Lev Oborin/Columbia - Discography
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�Columbia : Arrau, Oborin - Beethoven Concertos 1 - 5, Triple Concerto
LP : Columbia : Arrau, Oborin - Beethoven Concertos 1 - 5, Triple Concerto

Artist : Lev Oborin

Label : Columbia

Product Id : SCBP 4017-22

Year : 1970

Number of Discs : 6

�Columbia : Beethoven - Concertos, Triple Concerto
LP : Columbia : Beethoven - Concertos, Triple Concerto

Artist : Lev Oborin

Label : Columbia

Product Id : SCBP 4017 - 4020

Year : 1970

Number of Discs : 6