Multiple Artists /
Melodiya /

LP : Melodiya : Gilels - Saint-Saens Carnival of Animals�Melodiya : Gilels - Saint-Saens Carnival of Animals

Label : Melodiya

Product Id : D-1101-2

Year : 1953

Disc Count : 1

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Disc 1
Saint-Saëns, Camille

1. Carnival of Animals for Two Pianos and Ensemble(3902)
-Emil Gilels
- performed with Jakov Zak
- Karl Eliasberg conducting USSR State Orchestra

1. Carnival of Animals for Two Pianos and Ensemble(6515)
-Yakov Zak
- performed with Emil Gilels
- Karl Eliasberg conducting USSR State Orchestra
Recording Details :
- November 2, 1951 in Moscow (Gilels) (3902)
- November 2, 1951 in Moscow (Zak) (6515)