Alfred Brendel /
Philips Japan /

CD : Philips Japan Best 100 : Brendel - Schubert, MozartPhilips Japan Best 100 : Brendel - Schubert, Mozart

Label : Philips Japan

Product Id : PHCP-10544

Year : 1998

Disc Count : 1

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Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

Piano Quintet in E-Flat Major, K. 452
- performed with Heinz Holliger, Eduard Brunner, Hermann Baumann & Klaus Thuemann

Schubert, Franz

Piano Quintet in A Major, D. 667 'Trout'
- performed with Cleveland Quartet

Recording Details :
- August 16 - 17, 1977 in London, Henry Wood Hall
- July 1 - 3, 1986 in London, Walthamstow Assembly Hall