Glenn Gould /
Turnabout /

LP : Turnabout : Gould - The Young GouldTurnabout : Gould - The Young Gould

Label : Turnabout

Product Id : TV-34792X

Year : 1983

Disc Count : 1

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Disc 1
Berg, Alban

1. Piano Sonata in B Minor, Op. 1(6202)

Glickman, Harry

2. Transcription on Shostakovich's Fantastic Dances(6550)
- performed with Albert Pratz

Hartmann, Arthur

3. Transcription on Taneyev's The Birth of the Harp(6550)
- performed with Albert Pratz

Fichtenholz, Mikhael

4. Transcription on Prokofiev's Winter Fairy(6550)
- performed with Albert Pratz
Recording Details :
- November 3, 1953 in Toronto(6202)
- November 4 & 6, 1953 in Toronto(6550)