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CD : Idil Biret Archive : Biret - 20th Century Piano Edition�Idil Biret Archive : Biret - 20th Century Piano Edition

Label : Idil Biret Archive

Product Id : 8.501504

Year : 2015

Disc Count : 15

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Disc 1
Bartók, Béla

1 - 6. (6) Romanian Folk Dances, Sz. 56, BB 68(8762) - 00:04:28

1. Romanian Folk Dance No. 1, Sz. 56, BB 68 'Bot tánc'(8762) - 00:01:04

2. Romanian Folk Dance No. 2, Sz. 56, BB 68 'Brâul'(8762) - 00:00:27

3. Romanian Folk Dance No. 3, Sz. 56, BB 68 'Topogó'(8762) - 00:00:47

4. Romanian Folk Dance No. 4, Sz. 56, BB 68 'Bucsumí tánc'(8762) - 00:00:43

5. Romanian Folk Dance No. 5, Sz. 56, BB 68 'Román polka'(8762) - 00:00:28

6. Romanian Folk Dance No. 6, Sz. 56, BB 68 'Aprózó'(8762) - 00:00:59

7 - 10. Piano Suite, Sz. 62, BB 70(8762) - 00:08:22

11. Book VI - Mikrokosmos No. 148, Sz. 107, BB 105, No. 9 'Bulgarian Rhythm I'(8762)

11. Book VI - Mikrokosmos No. 148, Sz. 107, BB 105, No. 9 'Bulgarian Rhythm I'(8762)

11. Book VI - Mikrokosmos No. 149, Sz. 107, BB 105, No. 10 'Bulgarian Rhythm II'(8762)

11. Book VI - Mikrokosmos No. 150, Sz. 107, BB 105, No. 11 'Bulgarian Rhythm III'(8762)

11. Book VI - Mikrokosmos No. 151, Sz. 107, BB 105, No. 12 'Bulgarian Rhythm IV'(8762)

11. Book VI - Mikrokosmos No. 152, Sz. 107, BB 105, No. 13 'Bulgarian Rhythm V'(8762)

11. Book VI - Mikrokosmos No. 152, Sz. 107, BB 105, No. 13 'Bulgarian Rhythm V'(8762)

12. Allegro barbaro, Sz. 49, BB 63(8762) - 00:02:31

13 - 15. Piano Concerto No. 2 in G Major, Sz. 95, BB 101(8889) - 00:30:51
- Theodor Guschlbauer conducting Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra

16 - 17. (2) Elegies, Sz. 41, BB 49(8881) - 00:14:47

16. Elegie No. 1, Sz. 41, BB 49(8881) - 00:07:10

17. Elegie No. 2, Sz. 41, BB 49(8881) - 00:07:37

Disc 2
Prokofiev, Sergei

1 - 4. Piano Sonata No. 2 in D Minor, Op. 14(8773) - 00:18:38

5 - 7. Piano Sonata No. 7 in B-Flat Major, Op. 83 'War Sonata No. 2', 'Stalingrad'(8773) - 00:19:10

8 - 10. Piano Concerto No. 3 in C Major, Op. 26(8890) - 00:31:21
- Dorian Wilson conducting Orchestre National de France

Disc 3
Stravinsky, Igor

1 - 19. Firebird Suite, K010(8831) - 00:54:48

20. Les cinq doigts in C Major, K037(8772) - 00:07:38

21 - 23. (3) Petrouchka, K012(8772) - 00:16:21

21. Petrouchka No. 1, K012 'Russian Dance'(8772) - 00:02:46

22. Petrouchka No. 2, K012 'Petrouchka's Room'(8772) - 00:04:30

23. Petrouchka No. 3, K012 'The Shrovetide Fair'(8772) - 00:09:05

Disc 4
Boulez, Pierre

1 - 2. Piano Sonata No. 1(8891) - 00:10:24

3 - 6. Piano Sonata No. 2(8891) - 00:27:28

7 - 11. Piano Sonata No. 3(8891) - 00:25:57

Disc 5
Ligeti, György

1 - 6. (6) Book I - Etudes(8830) - 00:23:26

1. Book I - Etude No. 1, 'Desordre'(8830) - 00:02:51

2. Book I - Etude No. 2, 'Cordes à vide'(8830) - 00:04:36

3. Book I - Etude No. 3, 'Touches bloquées'(8830) - 00:02:34

4. Book I - Etude No. 4, 'Fanfares'(8830) - 00:04:08

5. Book I - Etude No. 5, 'Arc-en-ciel'(8830) - 00:03:38

6. Book I - Etude No. 6, 'Automne à Varsovie'(8830) - 00:05:39

7 - 15. (8) Book II - Etudes(8830) - 00:30:16

7. Book II - Etude No. 7, 'Galamb Borong'(8830) - 00:03:24

8. Book II - Etude No. 8, 'Fém.'(8830) - 00:03:40

9. Book II - Etude No. 9, 'Vertige'(8830) - 00:03:55

10. Book II - Etude No. 10, 'Der Zauberlehrling'(8830) - 00:02:12

11. Book II - Etude No. 11, 'En Suspens'(8830) - 00:02:48

12. Book II - Etude No. 12, 'Entrelacs'(8830) - 00:03:15

13. Book II - Etude No. 13, 'L'escalier du diable'(8830) - 00:06:51

14. Book II - Etude No. 14, 'Coloana infinită'(8830) - 00:02:00

15 - 16. Book II - Etude No. 14, 'Coloana infinită'(8830) - 00:04:11

Disc 6
Berg, Alban

1. Piano Sonata in B Minor, Op. 1(8770) - 00:16:55

Webern, Anton

2 - 4. Piano Variations, Op. 27(8769) - 00:07:49

Schoenberg, Arnold

5. Piano Concerto, Op. 42(8892) - 00:21:21
- Andrew Davis conducting WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln

Castiglioni, Niccolò

6. Cangianti(8774) - 00:10:20

Brouwer, Leo

7. Sonata "Pian E Forte"(8774) - 00:09:15

Mimaroǧlu, İlhan Kemaleddin

8. Sessions(8774) - 00:10:38

Disc 7
Hindemith, Paul

1 - 4. Konzertmusik for Piano, Brass and Harps, Op. 49(8865) - 00:28:33
- Toshiyuki Shimada conducting Yale Symphony Orchestra

5 - 9. The Four Tempraments for Piano and Orchestra(8865) - 00:31:41
- Toshiyuki Shimada conducting Yale Symphony Orchestra

Disc 8
1 - 4. Klaviermusik mit Orchester for the Left Hand, Op. 29(8865) - 00:19:28
- Toshiyuki Shimada conducting Yale Symphony Orchestra

5 - 8. Kammermusik No. 2 for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 36, No. 1(8865) - 00:23:40
- Toshiyuki Shimada conducting Yale Symphony Orchestra

9 - 11. Piano Concerto(8865) - 00:32:53
- Toshiyuki Shimada conducting Yale Symphony Orchestra

Disc 9
Scriabin, Alexander

1. Piano Sonata No. 10 in C Major, Op. 70 'Trill'(8777) - 00:11:50

2. (5) Preludes, Op. 74(8777) - 00:06:21

2. Prelude No. 1, Op. 74(8777)

2. Prelude No. 2, Op. 74(8777)

2. Prelude No. 3, Op. 74(8777)

2. Prelude No. 4, Op. 74(8777)

2. Prelude No. 5, Op. 74(8777)

Myaskovsky, Nikolai

3. Piano Sonata No. 2, Op. 13(8777) - 00:12:13

4. Piano Sonata No. 3 in C Minor, Op. 19(8777) - 00:12:55

Shostakovich, Dmitri

5 - 7. Piano Concerto No. 2 in F Major, Op. 102(8893) - 00:19:09
- Arpad Geretz conducting Orchestre de chambre de Lausanne

Boucourechliev, André

8. Archipel IV, Op. 10(8774) - 00:13:14

Disc 10
Kempff, Wilhelm

1. Transcription on Bach's Nun Komm, Der Heiden Heiland, BWV 659(8808) - 00:04:50

2. Transcription on Bach's Es ist gewisslich an der Zeit, BWV 307/734(8808) - 00:02:59

3. Transcription on Bach's Siciliano from Flute Sonata in E Major, BWV 1031(8808) - 00:02:49

4. Transcription on Bach's Befiehl du deine Wege, BWV 727(8808) - 00:02:34

5. Transcription on Bach's Jesu bleibet meine Freude, BWV 147(8808) - 00:03:07

6. Transcription on Bach's In dulci jubilo, BWV 751(8808) - 00:01:43

7. Transcription on Bach's Sinfonia from Wir danken dir, BWV 29(8808) - 00:04:20

8. Transcription on Handel's Minuet in G Minor, HWV 434/4(8808) - 00:03:13

9. Transcription on Bach's Wachet auf! ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 645(8808) - 00:04:28

10. Transcription on Bach's Concerto for Harpsichord, Strings and Continuo No. 5 in F Minor, BWV 1056(8808) - 00:03:42

11. Transcription on Bach's Ich ruf zu dir Herr Jesus Christus, BWV 639(8808) - 00:02:46

12. Transcription on Gluck's Danse des ombres heureuses Orpheé et Eurydice, Wq. 41(8808)

12. Transcription on Gluck's Plainte d'Orpheé from Orpheé et Eurydice, Wq. 41(8808)

13. Transcription on Mozart's Pastorale varie, K. 209b(8808) - 00:05:58

14 - 17. Italian Suite, Op. 68(8808) - 00:15:21

18 - 20. Piano Sonata, Op. 47(8808) - 00:15:12

Disc 11
Ravel, Maurice

1 - 5. (5) Miroirs, M. 43(8886) - 00:28:46

1. Miroir No. 1 in D-Flat Major, M. 43 'Noctuelles'(8886) - 00:04:18

2. Miroir No. 2 in E-Flat Minor, M. 43 'Oiseaux tristes'(8886) - 00:04:20

3. Miroir No. 3 in A Major, M. 43 'Un barque sur l'ocean'(8886) - 00:06:11

4. Miroir No. 4 in D Minor, M. 43 'Alborada del gracioso'(8886) - 00:06:52

5. Miroir No. 5 in C-Sharp Minor, M. 43 'La vallee des cloches'(8886) - 00:07:05

6 - 8. (3) Gaspard de la nuit, M. 55(8785) - 00:22:33

6. Gaspard de la nuit in C-Sharp Minor, M. 55 'Ondine'(8785) - 00:06:34

7. Gaspard de la nuit in E-Flat Minor, M. 55 'Le gibet'(8785) - 00:07:07

8. Gaspard de la nuit in G-Sharp Minor, M. 55 'Scarbo'(8785) - 00:09:11

9. La valse in D Major, M. 72(8886) - 00:13:37

Disc 12
Fauré, Gabriel

1. Nocturne No. 13 in B Minor, Op. 119(8894) - 00:08:30

Ravel, Maurice

2 - 7. Le Tombeau de Couperin, M. 68(8882) - 00:25:28

2. Le Tombeau de Couperin No. 1 - Prelude in E Minor, M. 68(8882) - 00:02:56

3. Le Tombeau de Couperin No. 2 - Fugue in E Minor, M. 68(8882) - 00:03:33

4. Le Tombeau de Couperin No. 3 - Forlane in E Minor, M. 68(8882) - 00:06:34

5. Le Tombeau de Couperin No. 4 - Rigaudon in C Major, M. 68(8882) - 00:03:26

6. Le Tombeau de Couperin No. 5 - Menuet in G Major, M. 68(8882) - 00:05:30

7. Le Tombeau de Couperin No. 6 - Toccata in E Minor, M. 68(8882) - 00:03:29

Debussy, Claude

8 - 13. (6) Children's Corner, L. 113(8809) - 00:17:28

8. Children's Corner No. 1 in C Major, L. 113 'Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum'(8809) - 00:02:20

9. Children's Corner No. 2 in B-Flat Major, L. 113 'Jimbo's Lullaby'(8809) - 00:03:53

10. Children's Corner No. 3 in E Major, L. 113 'Serenade for the Doll'(8809) - 00:02:27

11. Children's Corner No. 4 in D Minor, L. 113 'The Snow is Dancing'(8809) - 00:02:50

12. Children's Corner No. 5 in A Major, L. 113 'The Little Shepherd'(8809) - 00:02:49

13. Children's Corner No. 6 in E-Flat Major, L. 113 'Golligogg's Cakewalk'(8809) - 00:03:09

14. Book I - Image No. 1 in D-Flat Major, L. 110 'Reflets dan l'eau'(8839) - 00:12:54

Françaix, Jean

15 - 18. Piano Sonata(8858) - 00:08:02

Disc 13
Saygun, Ahmed Adnan

1 - 3. Piano Concerto No. 1, Op. 34(8856) - 00:28:31
- Ahmed Adnan Saygun conducting Orchestre Colonne

4 - 15. (12) Preludes, Op. 45(8860) - 00:23:46

4. Prelude No. 1, Op. 45(8860) - 00:01:58

5. Prelude No. 2, Op. 45(8860) - 00:01:27

6. Prelude No. 3, Op. 45(8860) - 00:01:31

7. Prelude No. 4, Op. 45(8860) - 00:03:12

8. Prelude No. 5, Op. 45(8860) - 00:01:48

9. Prelude No. 6, Op. 45(8860) - 00:01:07

10. Prelude No. 7, Op. 45(8860) - 00:02:22

11. Prelude No. 8, Op. 45(8860) - 00:03:55

12. Prelude No. 9, Op. 45(8860) - 00:01:49

13. Prelude No. 10, Op. 45(8860) - 00:02:28

14. Prelude No. 11, Op. 45(8860) - 00:00:43

15. Prelude No. 12, Op. 45(8860) - 00:01:26

Erkin, Ulvi Cemal

16. Piano Concerto(8895) - 00:02:49
- Gotthold Ephraim Lessing conducting Cumhurbaşkanlığı Senfoni Orkestrası

Disc 14
Pars, Ateş

1 - 3. Piano Concerto No. 1, Op. 64(8896) - 00:29:30
- Burak Tüzün conducting Antalya Symphony Orchestra

4 - 6. Viola Sonata, Op. 57(8897) - 00:17:01
- performed with Ruşen Güneş

Tippett, Michael

7 - 9. Piano Concerto(8899) - 00:30:46
- John Carewe conducting BBC National Orchestra of Wales

Disc 15
Fırat, Ertuğrul Oğuz

1. Tribute to Franz Liszt, Op. 77(8863) - 00:16:12

2 - 7. (6) Movements, Op. 86(8863) - 00:51:02

2. Movement No. 1, Op. 86(8863) - 00:06:28

3. Movement No. 2, Op. 86(8863) - 00:07:26

4. Movement No. 3, Op. 86(8863) - 00:03:46

5. Movement No. 4, Op. 86(8863) - 00:07:37

6. Movement No. 5, Op. 86(8863) - 00:07:40

7. Movement No. 6, Op. 86(8863) - 00:18:05
Recording Details :
- Unknown(8899)
- August 8, 1958 in Brussels, Grand Auditorium(8856)
- 1960s in Ankara(8895)
- 1960s in Paris(8882)
- November 20, 1961 in Paris, Salle Wagram(8762)
- 1970s in Ankara(8860)
- 1972 in New York City, Atlantic Recording Studios(8769)
- 1974 in New York City, Atlantic Recording Studios(8770)
- 1975 in London, Abbey Road Studios - Studio No. 1(8772)
- 1976 in New York City, Atlantic Recording Studios(8774)
- 1976 in New York City, RCA Victor Studios - Studio A(8773)
- 1979(8893)
- 1979 in New York City, Town Hall(8777)
- 1984 in Munich, Munich Residenz - Herkulessaal(8881)
- 1984 in Australia(8839)
- January, 1984 in Stuttgart, Südwest-Tonstudio(8886)
- 1985 in Germany(8889)
- April 13 - 14, 1987 in Stuttgart, Augustinum(8785)
- 1989 in Frankfurt(8892)
- 1989 in Germany(8894)
- November 30 - December 2, 1991 in Heidelberg, Tonstudio van Geest(8808)
- May, 1993 in Sandhausen, Clara Wieck Auditorium(8809)
- January - February, 1995 in Paris, Radio France - Studio 106(8891)
- 1997 in Paris(8890)
- 1998 in Katowice(8858)
- February 17 - 18, May 5 - 7 & June 14 - 15, 2001 in Sandhausen, Clara Wieck Auditorium(8830)
- March 1 - 3, 2002 in Suffolk, Potton Hall(8831)
- January, 2011 in Ankara(8897)
- December, 2012 & January 2013 in New Haven, Woolsey Hall(8865)
- 2013 in İstanbul, İstanbul Technical University - Center of Advanced Studies in Music(8863)
- 2015 in Antalya(8896)