Earl Wild /
Etcetera /

CD : Etcetera : Wild - Liszt TranscriptionsEtcetera : Wild - Liszt Transcriptions

Label : Etcetera

Product Id : KTC 2011

Year : 1987

Disc Count : 2

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Disc 1
Liszt, Franz

1 - 4. Transcription on Beethoven's Symphony No. 1 in C Major, S. 464(971) - 00:27:03

5. Die Lorelei, S. 532(943) - 00:06:30

6. Transcription on Schumann's Frühlingsnacht No. 12, S. 568 'Uberm Garten durch die Lüfte'(943) - 00:02:40

7. Transcription on Chopin's Chants polonais No. 5, Op. 71, S. 480 'My Joys'(943) - 00:04:19

8. Transcription on Schumann's Wigmund No. 1, S. 566(943) - 00:03:56

9. Transcription on Schubert's Zwölf Lieder No. 3, S. 558 'Du bist die Ruh'(943) - 00:04:51

10. Transcription on Wagner's Spinnerlied aus Der fliegende Holländer, S. 440(943) - 00:05:41

Disc 2
1. Transcription on Weber's Ouverture aus der Oper Der Freischütz, S. 575(943) - 00:10:10

2. Grand Paganini Etude No. 2 in E-Flat Major, S. 141 'Octaves'(943) - 00:04:32

3. Grand Paganini Etude No. 5 in E Major, S. 141 'La Chasse'(943) - 00:02:42

4. Grand Paganini Etude No. 3 in G-Sharp Minor, S. 141 'La Campanella'(943) - 00:04:40

5. Transcription on Bach's Fantasia and Fugue in G Minor, S. 463(943) - 00:11:08

6. Transcription on Schubert's Soirée de Vienne - Valse caprice No. 7 in A Major, D. 969, S. 427(943) - 00:06:39

7. Transcription on Verdi's Paraphrase de concert, S. 434 'Rigoletto'(943) - 00:06:53
Recording Details :
- December, 1984 - January, 1985 in New York, Manhattan School of Music - Borden Auditorium(943)
- December 28, 1984 in New York City, Manhattan School of Music - Borden Auditorium(971)