Eugene Albulescu /
Ode Records /

LP : Ode Records : Albulescu �Ode Records : Albulescu

Label : Ode Records

Product Id : SODE 231

Year : 1986

Disc Count : 1

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Disc 1
Albulescu, Nicolae

1. Arrangement on Enescu's Romanian Rhapsody(7957)
- performed with Nicolai Albulescu

2. Arrangement on Bach's Air And Badinerie(7957)
- performed with Nicolai Albulescu

3. Arrangement on Rossini/Kruger's William Tell Fantasy(7957)
- performed with Nicolai Albulescu

4. Arrangement on Saint-Saen's Swan(7957)
- performed with Nicolai Albulescu

5. Arrangement on Khachaturian's Sword Dance(7957)
- performed with Nicolai Albulescu

6. Arrangement on Offenbach's Can-Can(7957)
- performed with Nicolai Albulescu

7. Arrangement on Jerusalem the Golden(7957)
- performed with Nicolai Albulescu

8. Arrangement on Strauss' Tritsch Tratsch Polka(7957)
- performed with Nicolai Albulescu

9. Arrangement on Rimsky-Korsakov's Song of India(7957)
- performed with Nicolai Albulescu

10. Arrangement on Kreisler's Beautiful Rosemary(7957)
- performed with Nicolai Albulescu

11. Arrangement on Gershwin's Blues(7957)
- performed with Nicolai Albulescu

12. Arrangement on Durand's Concert Waltz(7957)
- performed with Nicolai Albulescu

13. Doina(7957)
- performed with Nicolai Albulescu
Recording Details :
- 1986(7957)