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LP : MPS Records : Gulda - Musician of Our Time Volume 01MPS Records : Gulda - Musician of Our Time Volume 01

Label : MPS Records

Product Id : 88.034-2

Year : 1977

Disc Count : 2

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Disc 1
Gulda, Friedrich

1. Concertino for Players and Singers(7665)
-Friedrich Gulda
- performed with J.A. Rettenbacher, Wiener Kammerchor, Klaus Weiss, Wiener Kammerorchester & Manfred Josel

2. Blues Fantasy(6843)
-Friedrich Gulda
- performed with Klaus Weiss

3. Meditation (Nach Einem Motiv Von Fritz Pauer)(6843)
-Friedrich Gulda
- performed with Klaus Weiss

Disc 2
1. Piano Concerto No. 1(7666)
-Fritz Pauer
- conducting Friedrich Gulda's Reunion Big Band

2. Variations for Two Pianos and Band(7666)
-Fritz Pauer
- performed with Friedrich Gulda and his Reunion Big Band

2. Variations for Two Pianos and Band(7667)
-Friedrich Gulda
- performed with Fritz Pauer & Friedrich Gulda's Reunion Big Band
Recording Details :
- February, 1970 in Villingen, MPS-Tonstudio (Gulda) (6843)
- December 15 - 16, 1971 in Vienna (Gulda) (7665)
- October, 1972 in Cologne (Gulda) (7667)
- October, 1972 in Cologne (Pauer) (7666)