Fériel Kaddour /
Ar Re-Se /

CD : AR RE-SE : Kaddour - Alexandrov Works�AR RE-SE : Kaddour - Alexandrov Works

Label : Ar Re-Se

Product Id : AR20131

Year : 2014

Disc Count : 1

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Disc 1
Alexandrov, Anatoly Nikolayevich

1 - 5. (5) Visions, Op. 21(6954) - 00:11:34

1. Visions No. 1, Op. 21(6954) - 00:01:36

2. Visions No. 2, Op. 21(6954) - 00:03:16

3. Visions No. 3, Op. 21(6954) - 00:02:13

4. Visions No. 4, Op. 21(6954) - 00:00:50

5. Visions No. 5, Op. 21(6954) - 00:03:39

6. Poem, Op. 9(6954) - 00:02:42

7 - 13. (6) Preludes, Op. 1(6954) - 00:09:25

7. Prelude No. 1, Op. 1(6954) - 00:00:56

8. Prelude No. 2, Op. 1(6954) - 00:01:23

9. Prelude No. 3, Op. 1(6954) - 00:02:25

10. Prelude No. 4, Op. 1(6954) - 00:01:10

12. Prelude No. 5, Op. 1(6954) - 00:01:09

13. Prelude No. 6, Op. 1(6954) - 00:02:22

14. Pieces on the Songs of Soviet People No. 6, Op. 46(6954) - 00:00:43

15. Pieces on the Songs of Soviet People No. 7, Op. 46(6954) - 00:01:58

16 - 18. Little Suite No. 1, Op. 33(6954) - 00:08:04

16. Little Suite No. 1 - Fairy Lullaby, Op. 33(6954) - 00:00:57

17. Little Suite No. 1 - Etude, Op. 33(6954) - 00:01:47

18. Little Suite No. 1 - Melodie, Op. 33(6954) - 00:03:11

19. Little Suite No. 1 - A Joke, Op. 33(6954) - 00:02:09

20 - 23. (3) Pieces, Op. 27(6954) - 00:06:19

20. Piece No. 1 - Prelude, Op. 27(6954) - 00:01:47

21. Piece No. 2 - Dance, Op. 27(6954) - 00:01:35

23. Piece No. 3 - Sketch, Op. 27(6954) - 00:02:57

24. Bashkirian Melody No. 4, Op. 73(6954) - 00:01:39

25. Bashkirian Melody No. 5, Op. 73(6954) - 00:00:44

26. Bashkirian Melody No. 10, Op. 73(6954) - 00:01:42

27. Piece No. 1 - Prelude, Op. 75(6954) - 00:03:55

28. Piece No. 2 - Melody, Op. 75(6954) - 00:03:49

29. Passage No. 1, Op. 16a 'Amethyst'(6954) - 00:02:09
Recording Details :
- January, 2013 in Guyancourt, La Batterie(6954)