Friedrich Gulda /
Producciones Fermata /

LP : Producciones Fermata : Gulda - Gulda Jazz WorksProducciones Fermata : Gulda - Gulda Jazz Works

Label : Producciones Fermata

Product Id : LF 54

Year : 1964

Disc Count : 1

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Disc 1
Gulda, Friedrich

1. Suite 1962(6825)
- performed with Jimmy Rowser and Albert Heath

2. The Opener(6825)
- performed with Jimmy Rowser and Albert Heath

3. The Veiled Old Land (excerpt)(6825)
- performed with Jimmy Rowser and Albert Heath

4. Lullaby(6825)
- performed with Jimmy Rowser and Albert Heath

5. Air from Other Planets(6825)
- performed with Jimmy Rowser and Albert Heath
Recording Details :
- April 16 - 17, 1964 in Sao Paulo, RGE Studio(6825)