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CD : Music & Arts : Kirchner - In Honor of His 80th Birthday�Music & Arts : Kirchner - In Honor of His 80th Birthday

Label : Music & Arts

Product Id : CD-1045

Year : 1999

Disc Count : 1

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Kirchner, Leon

Piano Sonata No. 1
-Leon Fleisher

Sonata concertante
-Leon Kirchner
- performed with Eudice Shapiro

Piano Concerto No. 1
-Leon Kirchner
- Dimitri Mitropoulos conducting New York Philharmonic

Piano Trio
-Leon Kirchner
- performed with Nathan Rubin and George Neikrug

Recording Details :
- Februart 24, 1956 in New York City, Columbia 30th Street Studios (Kirchner)
- September 22, 1956 in Hollywood, Radio Recorders (Kirchner)
- September 30, 1956 in Hollywood, Radio Recorders (Kirchner)
- May 8, 1963 in New York City, CBS 30th Street Studios (Fleisher)