Multiple Artists /
Yedang Classics /

CD : Yedang Classics : Richter, Dedukhin - Beethoven, Brahms�Yedang Classics : Richter, Dedukhin - Beethoven, Brahms

Label : Yedang Classics

Product Id : YCC-0079

Year : 2002

Disc Count : 1

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Beethoven, Ludwig van

Cello Sonata No. 4 in C Major, Op. 102
-Alexander Dedyukhin
- performed with Mstislav Rostropovich

Brahms, Johannes

Cello Sonata No. 1 in E Minor, Op. 38
-Alexander Dedyukhin
- performed with Mstislav Rostropovich

Cello Sonata No. 2 in F Major, Op. 99
-Sviatoslav Richter
- performed with Mstislav Rostropovich

Recording Details :
- December 27, 1952 in Moscow, Moscow Conservatory - Small Hall (Richter)
- December 11, 1960 in Moscow (Dedyukhin)
- November 7, 1961 in Moscow (Dedyukhin)