Friedrich Gulda /
Columbia /

LP : Columbia : Gulda - Jazz Works�Columbia : Gulda - Jazz Works

Label : Columbia

Product Id : CL 2346

Year : 1965

Disc Count : 1

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De Paul, Gene Vincent

I'll Remember April
- performed with Albert Heath and Bob Cranshaw

Gulda, Friedrich



Heath, Jimmy

- performed with Albert Heath and Bob Cranshaw

Johnson, James Louis


Kleinschuster, Erich

I'll Plant Some Flowers
- performed with Albert Heath and Bob Cranshaw

Warren, Harry

I Only Have Eyes For You
- performed with Albert Heath and Bob Cranshaw

Zawinul, Joe

- performed with Albert Heath and Bob Cranshaw

Recording Details :
- January 5, 1965 in Los Angeles
- January 12, 1965 in New York City