Martha Argerich - Pianist Discography - List
  • Martha Argerich
  • Martha Argerich
  • Martha Argerich
  • Martha Argerich

Martha Argerich

1019 media for this artist
145 Labels for this artist
60 composers for this artist
371 recording dates for this artist
430 works in repetoire for this artist

Martha Argerich ( 1941 ) was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Winner of the 1965 Chopin competition, she quickly became known for her blistering tempos on difficult works such as Ravel's Gaspard de la Nuit, Liszt's Piano Sonata and Rachmaninov's Third Piano Concerto. She also performed several works for two pianos with her longtime friend and pianist Nelson Freire.

Martha Argerich - Discography - In Progress
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