Emil Gilels - Pianist Discography - List
  • Emil Gilels
  • Emil Gilels
  • Emil Gilels

Emil Gilels

1402 media for this artist
182 Labels for this artist
55 composers for this artist
293 recording dates for this artist
433 works in repetoire for this artist

Emil Gilels ( 1916 - 1985 ) was born in Odessa, Ukraine. He studied under Heinrich Nehaus at the Moscow Conservatory and was one of the first pianists to be allowed by Stalin to travel west. He would go on to record for EMI, RCA and DG. He has benchmark recordings of the Brahms Ballades & Concertos, Tchaikovsky Concertos, Grieg Lyric Pieces, and was just a few sonatas shy of completing a Beethoven sonata cycle.

Emil Gilels - Discography - Complete
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