Leon Fleisher - Pianist Discography - List
  • Leon Fleisher
  • Leon Fleisher
  • Leon Fleisher

Leon Fleisher

185 media for this artist
42 Labels for this artist
39 composers for this artist
68 recording dates for this artist
171 works in repetoire for this artist

Leon Fleisher ( 1928 - 2020 ) was born in San Francisco, California. He signed with Columbia in 1950 and recorded works by Schubert, Schumann, Rachmaninov, Liszt and benchmark recordings of the Brahms and Beethoven concertos. 16 years later he would lose the use of his right hand so he spent time conducting and learning works for solo left hand. In 2004, he regained the use of his right hand and released an album "Two Hands".

Leon Fleisher - Discography - Complete
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