Alfred Cortot - Pianist Discography
Alfred Cortot

Alfred Cortot

11 media for this artist
10 Labels for this artist
9 composers for this artist
22 recording dates for this artist
110 works in repetoire for this artist

Alfred Cortot ( 1877 - 1962 ) was born in Lyons, Switzerland. He studied at the Paris Conservatoire under Emile Decombes who was a student of Frederic Chopin. This lineage to Chopin along with his unique style and approach led many to deem him on of the Greatest Pianists of the 20th century. In addition to Chopin he recorded works by Liszt, Schumann, Faure and Debussy.

Alfred Cortot - Discography - Under Development

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Beethoven, Ludwig van

Chopin, Frédéric

Debussy, Claude

Fauré, Gabriel
Franck, César

Liszt, Franz

Ravel, Maurice

Saint-Saëns, Camille
Schumann, Robert


Angel Japan

EMI Japan

La Voix de Son Maitre

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