Daniel Blumenthal - Pianist Discography
Daniel Blumenthal

Daniel Blumenthal

5 media for this artist
4 Labels for this artist
6 composers for this artist
7 recording dates for this artist
58 works in repetoire for this artist

Daniel Blumenthal ( 1952 ) was born in Landstuhl, Germany. He studied at the University of Michigan and subsequently Julliard. He has recorded for Marco Polo, EMI and several other labels. Under these labels he has recorded works by neglected works by Alexandre Tansman, Robert Fuchs, Mario Castelnuovo Tedesco and Jean Absil.

Daniel Blumenthal - Discography - Under Development

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Absil, Jean
Arensky, Anton

Blumenfeld, Felix

Devreese, Frédéric

Mahler, Gustav

Toch, Ernest



Fuga Libera

Marco Polo


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