Stephen Coombs - Pianist Discography
Stephen Coombs

Stephen Coombs

6 media for this artist
2 Labels for this artist
8 composers for this artist
6 recording dates for this artist
29 works in repetoire for this artist

Stephen Coombs ( 1960 ) was born in Birkenhead, England. He studied at both the Royal North College of Music and the Royal Academy of Music. He won the Gold Medal by the International Liszt competition at the mere age of 16. Under the Hyperion album he has recorded works by several composers which include Scriabin, Arensky, Massenet and Hahn.

Stephen Coombs - Discography - Under Development

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Arensky, Anton

Bortkiewicz, Sergei

Glazunov, Alexander
Goedicke, Alexander

Hahn, Reynaldo

Massenet, Jules
Mendelssohn, Felix Bartholdy

Scriabin, Alexander



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