Tzimon Barto - Pianist Discography
Tzimon Barto

Tzimon Barto

12 media for this artist
6 Labels for this artist
11 composers for this artist
12 recording dates for this artist
30 works in repetoire for this artist

Tzimon Barto ( 1963 ) was born in Eustis, Florida. He won the Gina Bachauer Competition consecutively and would go on to record with renowned pianist and conductor Christoph Eschenbach. Under the EMI label he also recorded works by Chopin, Bartok, Rachmaninov and Liszt.

Tzimon Barto - Discography - Under Development

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Bartók, Béla
Brahms, Johannes

Chopin, Frédéric

Debussy, Claude

Gershwin, George

Liszt, Franz
Lutosławski, Witold

Messiaen, Olivier

Rachmaninov, Sergei

Schumann, Robert

Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'yich



EMI Japan



Warner Classics

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